Archive for puggle

The Neighborhood Cujo

Posted in anger, Blogroll, children, dog, emergency, emotional, exercise, family, frustration, help, hope, horror, humor, iritation, KIDS, life, living alone, mom, parenting, personal, pets, pictures, puggle, random, scary movie, single mom, thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on May 28, 2009 by Iron Mom

With my insane schedule right now I worry about not spending enough time with Tooter’s, so I have been making an extra effort to make sure she is getting the attention she needs.  I take one day every weekend and we go do something special, then I come home and hit the books hard.  I usually end up studying until midnight but I think that the trade off is worth it.  Anyways in order to keep my sanity Tooter’s and I have been jogging at night with the Wonder Pup.  Last night we ate kind of late so we just walked the neighborhood instead and boy was it eventful. 


We did our usual route all up and down a couple of streets before coming to the through street we turn on.  Everything was normal, you know the usual kids out playing in the street, occasional dogs wondering around and typical neighborhood noises.  Well when we got close to the intersection that brings us back to our road it happened…… we were attacked.


Really I am not joking!  There is this house with a cute three foot wooden fence in front that we were walking by with a couple of big dogs in the yard.  Now the Wonder Pup cannot see through the fence so she does not pay attention to the dogs unless they come over and bark at her first.  This doesn’t bother me because they are just talking to us and protecting their yard.  But last night was different the huge rotwieller that weighs more than me actually jumped the fence. 


Ok I am not afraid of dogs but watching this thing fly over the fence put the image of Cujo in my head.  I managed to shove Tooters out of the way so she would not get bitten, at the same time looking up for the owners.  The Wonder Pup was scared and trying to bark while hiding behind me at the same time.  All this did was piss off the dog even more and made it chase her around me to get at her.  I ended up turning circles to keep the rot away from the Wonder Pup and try to keep from getting bit myself.  Poor Tooters was scared but I don’t remember hearing her scream or cry, however when it was done I saw a few tears that escaped.  


Anyways all I could think to do was scream, “Help me! Help me! Come get your dog!” 


I did this over and over for what seemed like eternity until the man came out of the house to get his horror machine.  He did ask me if the dog bit anyone.  The thing is he asked it like he was asking about my day, very calm like this is a normal conversation for him.  I told him that the dog flew over the fence and came after the Wonder Pup and me. 


Now here is where things heated up.   I was so scared and full of adrenaline that we started walking away still trying to process what happened.  The wife came flying out of the door and called me a liar because the dog did not bite anyone.  I calmly told her I did not say the dog bit us just that it came after us.  She looked at me like I was a piece of shit on her shoe and informed me the monster is friendly and would not hurt anyone. 


I beg to differ after seeing it launch itself at us but I did not want to get into a fight with her in front of Tooters.  I just wanted to get us safely home, check every inch of us for damage and cuddle Tooters till we both stopped shaking.  The bitch kept giving me the stink eye and saying nothing really happened.  You know I managed to keep my cool for as long as I could and tried to keep going towards home, but I finally just had to say something.  So I informed her that if my daughter has even a drool mark on her she would be in a world of shit and I would call animal control. 


This is just an empty threat but it made me feel better at the time.  The fear of retaliation kept me from calling anyone since I just live around the corner.  It is times like this I have to be extra cautious since it is just the three of us in the house.  Plus the Wonder Pup is outside all day while we are gone and what would stop them from harming her.  This is also the time of year I start working at nights as well so I cannot protect the house. 


I got home, calmed down and checked everyone for marks.  Wouldn’t you know it the only one that came out of it with a mark was me; I have a nice little bruise from one of the teeth.  Needless to say I am sitting here today reconsidering calling someone about that dog.  It is not fair to us that we can no longer walk that part of the neighborhood with the fear of being attacked again.  What’s to say next time the stupid monster actually bites one of us??


Tooters did tell me as she was getting into bed that she is going to save up for a dog bigger than Cujo around the corner so it can protect the Wonder Pup and us from being attacked again.   This was so sweet I just hugged her and hugged her until it was time to read to her. 


I just want to play, I swear

I just want to play, I swear

P.S. I found out that reading my psychology book to her at night helps me study and man does it put her out quick lol.

Seasons According To The Wonder Pup

Posted in Blogroll, children, clothes, costumes, cuteness, dog, emotional, fall, family, friends, fun, funny, funny picture, humor, KIDS, life, parenting, personal, personality, pets, pictures, puggle, random, seasons, thoughts, Uncategorized, winter with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2008 by Iron Mom

OMG winter is almost here if it isn’t already.  I went to bed last night and it was freezing cold with a few snow flurries out my window.  It was actually a beautiful site.  I even left the blinds pulled up a little bit in my bedroom so I could watch until I fell asleep which means summer is definitely gone for good. 


But this is not how seasons are determined in my house; a little Wonder Pup decides them.  Here is how it goes.  It starts getting colder in the morning so that means that I jump up out of bed and turn on the heater before the alarm clock rings for the third time.  Tooters and I love the snooze button.  While it is warming up Tooters, the Wonder Pup, and myself huddle under the covers waking up.  After this is done I have to force the dog out of the bed just to go outside to potty.  This is the first indication the seasons are turning because normally she will race me to the door.  My next indication is after she comes in to eat breakfast while Tooters and I get ready for the day, she hides in her crate under her blanky.  Now I have to bribe her to come out so I can put her outside while I am at work. 


Don’t worry it is not like I send her out in the elements to freeze.  She has another large dog crate in the backyard covered with an old piece of heavy carpet to keep the wind out and some fleece piled up inside to keep her warm.  Besides when it gets to cold I leave her inside in her bed until it warms up during the day sometimes she prefers to stay there all day.  I know this because for such a little dog she has tons of muscles.  She will dig her little feet in and refuse to move no matter how much I pull on her. 


Well last night a storm moved into the area, it is still kind of cold and cloudy today.  I ran home on my lunch break to let her out for a potty break and she refused yet again to go outside when I offered it.  So I finally broke down and brought out one of her shirts.  Holy crap on a cracker she was so excited you would have thought I was offering up a steak lol. 


Now don’t laugh at me.  Sure she is spoiled but she only has clothes for the cold seasons, I felt sorry for her sitting around and shivering all the time.  This is what I mean by the seasons according to my dog.  She is now wearing her lightweight fall shirt.  As it gets colder the heavier her sweaters get.  Please don’t judge, but she even has a going out walking/visiting fancy sweater.  Does this mean I am finally morphing into that crazy lady on the corner that treats the pets like kids?  I know winter is fully here when she starts wearing her lightweight shirt to bed at night. 


So now you know according to the Wonder Pup it is officially late fall in southern Utah.  I even took a picture of her while I was home today for lunch to show you how cute she really is in her shirt.  The Wonder Pup always struts around after I dress her to show everyone how adorable she is all dressed up.  Boy did I get the blue light special on personality with this one, you can even see it in her face.

Aren't I pretty?

Aren't I pretty?